❖ SOx Scrubber(EGCS) Retrofit 실적
⌾ SOx Scrubber Retrofit vessels : Cargo Oil Tankers, Bulk Carriers, Product Carrier
- COT 158K GT / B&W 6S70MC-C7, 18660KW / HHI (Open Loop)
- COT 157K GT / B&W 6S70ME-C8.2, 16260KW / Feen Marine (Open Loop)
- BC 180K GT / B&W 6S70MC-C Mk7, 17780KW / HHI (Open Loop)
- BC 180K GT / B&W 6S70MC-C Mk7, 17780KW / PANASIA (Open Loop)
- VLCC 319K GT / B&W 7G80ME-C9.5, 26890KW / HHI (Open Loop)
- BC 251K /B&W 7S80MC-C Mk7, 23280KW / WARTSILA (Open Loop)
- PC 50K / B&W 6G50ME-C9.5, 7800KW / 강림 (Open Loop)
- BC 180K /B&W 6S70MC-C Mk7, 18660KW / KHPT (Open Loop)
- BC 93K / B&W 6S60MC-C, 13560KW / ANYTECH (HYBRID)
❖ BWMS / BWTS Retrofit 실적
⌾ BWMS Retrofit vessels : Tankers, Bulk Carriers, Heavy Lift Carriers, Container Ships, LNG Carriers, Car Carriers
- Tanker 3.8K / 250m3X 1set / PANASIA
- Tanker 26K / 1,200m3 X 1set / Alfa Laval
- Tanker 34K / 1,500m3 X 1set / Alfa Laval
- VLCC 320K / 3000m3 X 2sets, 500m3 X 1set / HYUNDAI
- BC 28K / 250m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- BC 33K / 600m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- BC 34K / 700m3 X 1set / PANASIA
- BC 55K / 750m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- BC 59K / 1500m3 X 1set / HEADWAY
- BC 59K / 750m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- BC 79K / 1800m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- BC 180K / 2500m3 X 2sets / NK
- BC 180K / 5000m3 X 1set / SAMSUNG
- BC 180K / 2600m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- BC 180K / 3000m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- HLC 11K / 2000m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- HLC 12.8K / 3000m3 X 1set, 2000m3 X 1set / TECHCROSS
- HLC 14K / 2600m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- HLC 17.6K / 3000m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- HLC 52.3K / 3000m3 X 6sets / TECHCROSS
- Container 7,471TEU / 1000m3 X 1set / TECHCROSS
- Container 1,800TEU / 500m3 X 1set / PANASIA
- Container 13,100TEU / 600m3 X 1set / PANASIA
- LNGC 125K / 3000m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- LNGC 137.7K / 3000m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- LNGC 138K / 3000m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- LNGC 150K / 3000m3 X 2sets / TECHCROSS
- PCTC 7,600CEU / 600m3 X 1set / TECHCROSS
❖ 신조선 설계 실적
⌾ Basic design of hull structure for commercial vessels : LNG FPSO, LNG Carrier, LNG FSRU, Containership, Tanker, PCTC, Pipe Lay Vessel
- Maran 159,800 m3 LNG Carrier (Structure FE Analysis)
- Cardiff 159,800 m3 LNG Carrier (Key Person, Basic Design of Hull Key Plans, Structure FE Analysis)
- Teekay 173,400 m3 LNG Carrier (Basic Design of Hull Key Plans)
- Yamal 172,600 m3 ARC7 LNG Carrier (Structure FE Analysis)
- MOL Uruguay 263,000 m3 LNG FSRU (Basic Design of Hull Key Plans)
- Korea Line CORP. 174,000 m3 LNG Carrier (Basic Design of Hull Key Plans)
- Hyundai LNG Shipping 174,000 m3 LNG Carrier (Basic Design of Hull Key Plans)
- Maersk Line 19,630 TEU Containership (Basic Design of Hull Key Plans)
- BW 318,000 TDW Crude Oil Carrier (Structure FE Analysis)
- Hoegh Autoliners 6,500 Units Pure Car Truck Carrier (Key Person, Basic Design of Hull Key Plans)
- Heerema Aegir Pipe Lay Vessel (Basic Design of Hull Key Plans)
- Other projects (Joined in Evaluation of Lengthening Conversion Project for Containership, etc.)
- GEDEN 115,000 m3 Aframax Tanker (Longitudinal & Shear Strength Calc.)
- New Aframax Project 115,000 m3 Aframax Tanker (Local Scantling Calc., Structure FE Analysis)
- AET 157,000 m3 Suezmax Tanker (Basic Design of Hull Key Plans, Structure FE Analysis)
- Euronav 325,000 m3 VLCC Tanker (Key person, Basic Design of Hull Key Plans, Structure FE Analysis)
- Chandris 325,000 m3 VLCC Tanker (Key person, Basic Design of Hull Key Plans, Structure FE Analysis)
⌾ Basic design of hull structure for for offshore projects: LNG FPSO EPCI
- Royal Dutch Shell Prelude FLNG 455,000 m3
(EPCI Engineering for Hull Structure, Interface Manager between Topside Structure and Hull Structure)
⌾ FEED engineering of hull structure for offshore projects : LNG FPSO, FPU
- Royal Dutch Shell Prelude FLNG 455,000 m3 (FEED Engineering for Hull Structure, Interface Manager between Topside Structure and Hull Structure)
- Royal Dutch Shell Browse FLNG 455,000 m3 (FEED Engineering for Hull Structure, Interface Manager between Topside Structure and Hull Structure)
- ENI Jangkrik FPU (FEED Engineering for Hull Structure, Interface Manager between Topside Structure and Hull Structure, Dispatched in Jakarta as Local Contents Manager)
- ENI Mozambique FLNG (T&I Coordinator)
⌾ Marketing engineering of hull structure for commercial vessels : Containership, LNG Carrier / FSRU, PCTC, Heavy Lift Carrier
- Containerships (14,000 TEU, 20,000 TEU, etc.)
- LNG Carriers (159,000 m3, 173,400 m3, 220,000 m3, etc.)
- LNG FSRUs (173,400 m3, 263,000 m3)
- PCTC (Baltic Sea Operation Condition, Conventional type)
- Heavy Lift Vessel (Arctic Navigation as ARC 7, Conventional type)
- Etc.
⌾ Detail design of hull structure for commercial vessels : Tanker, PCTC, WTIV, Drilling Rig
- Neda 318,000 TDW Crude Oil Carrier
- Hoegh Autoliners 7,300 Units Pure Car Truck Carrier
- Heerema Launching Barge
- RWEI Wind Turbine Installation Vessel
- Zhambyl Submersible Drilling Rig
- Etc.